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Behind the Scenes
Your Personalized Classroom on a Boat
We have created the perfect "Sailing Intro" Class for new to intermediate sailors covering many of the following topics. (Please Register under "Sailor's Registration")
Knot Tying
Sailing Nomenclature- (Speak like a sailor)
VHF Basics
Basic Chart Reading
Diesel Engine Basics
and much more
You will have the ability to ask your instructor questions so no two classes are the same.
Each 3-hour class will take place on one of our boats
We will not be sailing rather building your foundation to make your first sail with us more enjoyable and educational.
SCHEDULE- Use the schedule below, look for any class labeled "Behind the Scenes" or put your name on our daily Request for Sailing Roster if there are no classes available.
As a way of saying "Thanks" to the sailing community for the last 19 years of business, we are offering these classes at no cost.
(All Experience Levels Welcome)
Once scheduled, you will receive an email with all the vitals, where, when, what to bring, etc.
Behind Registration
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